Cinema Survey 1: 1880s to 1945/Film Survey I

THEA 205 IS Sec 2, University of Mississippi
[See UM Catalog for Description]

3 credit hours

Instructor Information:

Dr. Michelle Emanuel

Instructor name:
Dr. Michelle Emanuel

Instructor Information:
Head of Metadata and Digital Initiatives, Professor
Phone: 662-915-1360 Email:
Office: 221 J.D. Williams Library

Contact Information:

If you have questions concerning the content of the course, you may contact the instructor directly using the Email Your Instructor link in the Lessons or Content page. NOTE: Whenever sending email, please be sure to indicate your course title and number in the subject line.

Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have questions about the course itself or the films mentioned. Email correspondence is preferred. You can expect a turnaround time of 24 hours to any email you send. If you are in Oxford and would like to stop by to chat, my cubicle is in the J.D. Williams Library, on the second floor (near Starbucks) where I am Head of Cataloging. I generally work Monday-Friday, 8:30 a.m.- 5:30 p.m., but since I am occasionally away from my desk, it is best to schedule an appointment if you can. Phone messages left after 5:00 p.m. will not be heard until the next working day.

For lesson or test administration issues, please contact the iStudy department:

The University of Mississippi
Division of Outreach and Continuing Education
P. O. Box 1848
University, MS 38677

Phone: (662) 915-7313, toll-free (877) 915-7313
Fax: (662) 915-8826

Course Description

This course represents a survey of the film industry from the late 1880s through the end of World War II in 1945, from the invention of the medium through the transition to sound. By examining international trends and changes to industry conditions such as production, distribution, and exhibition, the student acquires a contextual understanding of the medium of film and its genres in the United States and around the world.

Textbook Information:

Textbook information will be provided upon enrollment in your iStudy course.

Course Objectives:

Objectives include (but are not limited to):

  1. treat a film as a cultural text, understanding the work as a document with great historical and sociological significance
  2. apply the origins and development of cinema, major film movements and film theories, and the particular workings of the industry to understand films from around the world

Course Outline:

This course consists of 15 instructional modules (or lessons) and 3 proctored examinations

You MUST complete the syllabus quiz as soon as you have access to your Blackboard course. This is mandatory to verify your attendance.

*NOTE: you must pass the Syllabus and Orientation Quiz for the course materials to appear on the Lessons page.


Reading Assignments

Due for Grades

Pacing Guide
to complete the course in one semester

Start Here

*You MUST complete the syllabus quiz as soon as you have access to your Blackboard course. This is mandatory to verify your attendance.* NOTE: you must pass the Syllabus and Orientation Quiz for the course materials to appear on the Lessons page.

Syllabus Quiz

Week 1



Discussion board

Week 1


Chapter 1: 1890s - Inventions and the Cinema of Attractions

Journal entry, Quiz

Week 1


Chapter 2: 1900s - Better Techniques, Longer Stories

Journal entry, Quiz

Week 2


Chapter 3: 1910s - Building Hollywood

Film questionnaire, Journal entry, quiz

Weeks 3-4


Chapter 4: 1920s - The Last of the Silents

Film questionnaire, Journal entry, quiz

Weeks 5-6


Chapter 5: Silent Film in Europe

Film questionnaire, Journal entry, quiz

Weeks 7-8

Midterm Exam

Covers chapters 1-5

To be scheduled
and completed
before proceeding

Week 8


If you are a semester student, you must reach the midpoint of your course by the date specified in your information.
If you are a Flex UM student, you CANNOT WITHDRAW from this course after the exam has been submitted.

All lesson assignments or exams needed to reach the midpoint of the course

The exact date semester students are required to reach the midpoint is specified in your information.


Chapter 6: 1930s - Now with Sound

Film questionnaire, Journal entry, quiz

Weeks 9-10


Chapter 7: 1940s - Watching the War

Film questionnaire, Journal entry, quiz

Weeks 11-12


Chapter 8: Sound Film in Europe

Film questionnaire, Journal entry, quiz

Weeks 13-14

Final Exam

Covers chapters 6-8 (ensure all work is completed and graded prior to scheduling this exam)

To be scheduled
and completed
before proceeding

Week 15


Grading information must include percentages of total grades for each category of assessment
93 - 100% = A
90 - 92% = A-
87 - 89% = B+
83 - 86% = B
80 - 82% = B-
77 - 79% = C+
73 - 76% = C
70 - 72% = C-
60 - 69% = D
Below 60% = F


You must submit the lessons required to take the course exam(s). Lessons required but not submitted will receive a grade of zero. For the final exam, all coursework must be submitted and graded.