Carlsbad, New Mexico


Geological Engineering Design
Field Camp 1

G E 301

Dates:   August 2-14, 2020

Credit Hours: 3


Dr. Lance Yarbrough, Assistant Professor of Geology and Geological Engineering
Dr. Julie Retrum, Instructor in Geology and Geological Engineering

Cost: TBD

Application Deadline: N/A

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  • Learn the use of the Brunton compass for measuring and orienting in the field.
  • Measure and describe stratigraphic sections while in the field.
  • Experience geological mapping and construction of relevant geological illustrations from the data collected.
  • Receive required equipment by mail. Acceptable field sites will need to be approved by instructors before completing exercises.

*Students who have lost eligibility for ACM due to academic standing will NOT be eligible for the Study USA non-resident fee scholarship.

*There will be only one section of GE 301 offered this summer.


The Field Camp will take place August 2-14, 2020.


Virtual Course, Students will complete field work wherever they are currently living.

This program is a required class for all students in the B.S. degrees of both Geology and Geological Engineering. GEOL 225 and GEOL 314 are prerequisites.

Program cost: Tuition

Virtual Course