HST 120 The History of Europe to 1648

HST 120 IS Sec 3, University of Mississippi
[See UM Catalog for Description]

3 credit hours

Instructor Information:

Wendy Smith, PhD.

Instructor name:
Wendy Smith, PhD.


Dr. Smith received her PhD in 2012 with an emphasis in US history. She holds a Master's Degree in Classical Studies, however, and continues to enjoy teaching ancient and early modern history as well as courses in US history.

Contact Information:

If you have questions concerning the content of the course, you may contact the instructor directly using the Email Your Instructor link in the Lessons or Content page. NOTE: Whenever sending email, please be sure to indicate your course title and number in the subject line. You can expect a response within 72 hours, although it may be longer on weekends. Many instructors reply within 24 hours.

For lesson or test administration issues, please contact the iStudy department:

The University of Mississippi
Division of Outreach and Continuing Education
P. O. Box 1848
University, MS 38677

Phone: (662) 915-7313, toll-free (877) 915-7313
Fax: (662) 915-8826
E-mail: istudy@olemiss.edu

Course Description

This course will introduce students to important political, social, cultural and intellectual developments in European history from the prehistoric era to the mid-seventeenth century. Any complete understanding of today’s world must take into account the meaning of Western civilization and the role Western civilization has played in history. Despite modern progress, we still greatly reflect our religious traditions, our political systems and theories, our economic and social structures, and our cultural heritage. Western civilization assists students in learning more about the past as well as the world in which they live. Students will have the opportunity to learn the practice of history as they analyze primary sources and move beyond the basics of who, what and when to look at the why of history. Students will be asked to communicate their thoughts and opinions in both formal writing assignments and journal entries.

NOTE: A grade of “C” or better is required for this course to be applied to either a history major or minor. There is no prerequisite for this course.

There is no prerequisite for this course.

Textbook Information:

Textbook information will be provided upon enrollment in your iStudy course.

Course Objectives:

Objectives include (but are not limited to):

  • To obtain knowledge of important specific phenomena – names, dates, people, and events – in the history of Western civilization.
  • To develop an awareness of the broader trends, themes, and patterns in which those phenomena occurred.
  • To understand why specific phenomena and broader patterns matter, both historically and in our daily lives.
  • To improve the capacity for precise and articulate communication (both oral and written) while analyzing primary historical sources.
  • To use technology and a variety of multi-media tools to enhance our exploration and understanding of the past.

Course Outline:

This course consists of 15 instructional modules (or lessons). 

You MUST complete the syllabus quiz as soon as you have access to your Blackboard course. This is mandatory to verify your attendance. *  NOTE: you must pass the Syllabus and Orientation Quiz for the course materials to appear on the Lessons page.

Lesson Reading Assignments Due for Grades Suggested Pacing Guide
(if you want to complete the course in a traditional semester)
Start Here *You MUST complete the syllabus quiz as soon as you have access to your Blackboard course. This is mandatory to verify your attendance.*NOTE: you must pass the Syllabus and Orientation Quiz for the course materials to appear on the Lessons page. Syllabus Quiz Week 1
0 Course Introduction/Resources Introduce yourself
Inquizitive Tutorial
Respondus Practice Test
Doing History Excercise
Week 1
1 Chapter 1: Early Civilizations Inquizitive assignment
History Skills assignment
Primary Source exercise
Review Quiz
Journal entry
Week 2
2 Chapter 2: Peoples, Gods, and Empires: 1700-500 BCE Inquizitive assignment
History Skills assignment
Primary Source exercise
Review Quiz
Writing Assignment
Week 3
3 Chapter 3: The Civilization of Greece, 1000-400 BCE Inquizitive assignment
History Skills assignment
Primary Source exercise
Review Quiz
Journal entry
Week 4
4 Chapter 4: The Greek World Expands, 400-150 BCE  Inquizitive assignment
History Skills assignment
Primary Source exercise
Review Quiz
Journal entry
Week 5
5 Chapter 5: The Civilization of Ancient Rome Inquizitive assignment
History Skills assignment
Primary Source exercise
Review Quiz
Writing Assignment
Week 6
6 Chapter 6: The Transformation of Rome  Inquizitive assignment
History Skills assignment
Primary Source exercise
Review Quiz
Journal entry
Week 7
Mid Term Exam All assignments that come before the exam must be submitted.  Mid Term Exam
to be completed before proceeding  
Week 7
MIDPOINT OF COURSE You are encouraged to reach the midpoint of your course by the date specified in your information. All lesson assignments or exams needed to reach the midpoint of the course The exact date the semester students are encouraged to reach the midpoint is specified in their registration information.
7  Chapter 7: Rome’s Three Heirs, 500-950 Inquizitive assignment
History Skills assignment
Primary Source exercise
Review Quiz
Journal entry
Week 8
8 Chapter 8: The Expansion of Europe, 950-1100  Inquizitive assignment
History Skills assignment
Primary Source exercise
Review Quiz
Writing Assignment
Week 9
9 Chapter 9: The Consolidation of Europe, 1100-1250  Inquizitive assignment
History Skills assignment
Primary Source exercise
Review Quiz
Journal entry
Week 10
10  Chapter 10: The Medieval World, 1250-1350 Inquizitive assignment
History Skills assignment
Primary Source exercise
Review Quiz
Writing Assignment
Week 11
11 Chapter 11: Rebirth and Unrest, 1350-1453 Inquizitive assignment
History Skills assignment
Primary Source exercise
Review Quiz
Journal entry
Week 12
12 Chapter 12: Innovation and Exploration, 1453-1533 Inquizitive assignment
History Skills assignment
Primary Source exercise
Review Quiz
Journal entry
Week 13
13 Chapter 13: The Age of Dissent and Division, 1500-1564 Inquizitive assignment
Primary Source exercise
Review Quiz
Journal entry
Week 14
14 Chapter 14: Europe in the Atlantic World, 1550-1660  Inquizitive assignment
History Skills assignment
Review Quiz
Writing Assignment
Week 15
Final Exam Be sure all work has been submitted and graded prior to taking this exam. Final Exam
To be submitted
to finalize credit
Week 16


90 - 100% = A
80 - 89% = B
70 - 79% = C
60 - 69% = D
Below 59% = F

General Assignments – 35%
Review Quizzes – 10%
Writing Assignments – 20%
Journal Entries – 10%
Exams – 25%

All grades are calculated on the 100-point scale.  Your final grade will be determined by the percentages noted above.


You must submit the lessons required to take the course exam(s). Lessons required but not submitted will receive a grade of zero. For the final exam, all coursework must be submitted and graded.