
Course Options

The University of Mississippi offers numerous courses to its students. While most students will be limited to courses at the 100 or 200 levels, some exceptions may be considered for advanced students on an individual basis. High school students will take courses with the same requirements and same grading scale as UM students.

Dual Credit students are eligible to take all course formats:

  • Live classes (on the Oxford campus)
  • Online*
  • iStudy** (Independent Study)

*Online courses require an additional online fee in addition to the tuition fee.
**iStudy courses require an additional online registration to the iStudy office.

Current course offerings and time availability can be viewed on under "Course Schedule."

Course Format Descriptions

The course format descriptions below are based on those found on the Course Schedule in

  • Section - traditional face-to-face instruction on campus at scheduled times
  • Hybrid - includes some face-to-face instruction on campus at scheduled times
  • Remote - does not require face-to-face meetings, but will include synchronous virtual instruction at scheduled times
  • Online - does not require face-to-face meetings or pre-scheduled instruction, can require synchronous interaction with instructor at mutually convenient times

If a student was already registered for Web or iStudy course formats, no change has been made to those course formats.

Students enrolled in Hybrid, Remote, Online, Web, or iStudy course formats will need a computer and reliable Internet access.