
The University of Mississippi offers GRE®, ACT®, SAT®, LSAT®, and GMAT® online courses through Cambridge Educational Services! Each course consists of 30 units of self-directed study, practice tests, and quizzes. Each unit is timed at approximately one hour. Students are provided with print instruction for best strategies for approaching each section of the test, and then guided practice in applying those strategies to numerous items and quizzes. Students may also run self-diagnostic reports on their performance that will help them pinpoint item types and content areas for special attention.

Enrollment & Fees

Enrollment and payment can both be made online. After payment is received, you will be placed in the course of your choice within 2-3 business days.

The price of each five-month access course is $189.95. Students who are taking any of the courses can also purchase the “Score Booster.” The Score Booster* is an additional $22.95 per course. 

*Score Booster Supplements provide needed additional practice to supplement your test prep activities.

  • Reviews pertinent college and career test mechanics and strategies
  • Provides timed tests with printable score reports and full explanations
  • Creates adaptive skill builders with problems suited to current skill level
  • Provides four printable assessment reports

To pay in person: You may come by the Division of Outreach, Office of Professional Development, Jackson Avenue Center, Suite L, between the hours of 9 a.m. – 4 p.m., Monday – Friday. 

Should you have questions, please contact the Office of Professional Development at 662-915-7847.