Students around table with books having discussion

The Good Life:
A Knowledge for Freedom Program

Dates: June 9 – 14, 2024

Grades: Rising 11th and 12th Grades

Sponsoring Department: Ole Miss Pre-College Programs and UM Flagship First-Gen

Registration: Registration is by invitation only. If your school has nominated you for this honor, click below to start your admission process.

Program Fee: The program fee for participation is $25. All other expenses for housing, meals, and supplies are covered.


“What makes a good life?” This question has been debated for centuries by philosophers, historians, and authors. North Mississippi high school students have the chance to contribute their ideas about what makes a good life and what it means to live a life of civic responsibility by attending “Ways of Knowing” this summer at the University of Mississippi.

While living on the University of Mississippi’s Oxford campus, students will meet local writers and historians and learn from important texts that showcase the ways different people have reflected on what makes a good life. Ways of Knowing participants will also learn more about applying for college, living on campus, and finding scholarships.

This program begins in summer and continues through the following school year. You’ll spend one week living on campus during the summer, and all expenses are covered except for the $25 registration fee.

In fall and spring of the following year, our instructors and mentors will offer additional workshops and college/career preparation programming.

Registration is by invitation only. If your school has nominated you for this honor, click below to start your admission process.

A Teagle Foundation Initiative

Before you begin registration, know that there are additional steps to fully complete conference registration. You’ll find all these steps below and in your My School App account after you finish this form.

  1. Complete registration.
  2. Once in MySchoolApp, pay the registration fee to secure your spot, and complete the All Programs Application.
  3. Review the Rules and Guidelines and submit the Agreement.
  4. Upload the Medical Form and requested documentation.

What will we do in this program?
Our focus is answering the question: “what makes a good life?” and helping you take steps toward that good life, whatever that means for you. Together with your summer cohort, you’ll read, talk, and learn about college and career opportunities.

In summer, you’ll have class from 8:00 am – 4:30 pm. Class will include discussions, field trips, activities, and meetings with local writers, artists, and leaders.

In fall and spring, related activities will be coordinated by partners in your home community. You’ll also keep in touch with our Ways of Knowing mentors and have opportunities to participate in workshops or service projects in other locations.

What will I pay?
Only students selected by their schools can register to participate. You will pay $25 to secure your space in this program. If you do not register by the deadline, your seat may be given to a student on the waitlist.

Where will students live?
Students will be assigned a room with a roommate in one of our contemporary residence halls on campus. Only pre-college students and adults authorized to supervise minors have access to these halls in summer.

How will students be supervised?
Authorized adults hired and trained by the Office of Pre-College Programs will supervise participating students while residing on campus.

Will food be provided?
Students will get a meal plan with three meals each day from Monday to Thursday, and two meals on Friday. On Sunday evening, there will be a catered meal.

When will the summer program end?
Students will be dismissed at 2 pm on Friday, June 14th.

For additional information, please contact:

  • Address: Outreach and Continuing Education, Office of Pre-College Programs, The University of Mississippi, P.O. Box 1848, University, MS 38677-1848
  • Phone: (662) 915-7621
  • Fax: (662) 915-1535
  • Email: